
Chécy, Friends of the vine (Translation in progress)

The official website of the association CAVE guaranteed without coloring or preservatives…

Comic of the week
Little humorous Guide about Wines

You have had enough of fighting with your children for the last Coke, your body's minerals level is too low, you're craving to impress your audience, you ponder about hoarding in red gold, you would like to decorate your old fallout bunker… in short, for whatever reason, you've decided to invite over a new companion to your table: a bottle of good wine.
However, if it is easy enough to pick a Colombian-plants based soda from supermarket shelves, the wine bottles department turns inevitably for you into an impenetrable forest of labels.
Of course, you could go and muddy your shoes in the sludge of the next vineyard and/or, still, have you sweet-talked by some wine growers jealous to part with their secrets. You could even read some small-print scholarly books devoid of pictures… but all of these would use some of your valued time, with so much taken from wine tasting. There in a faster way, and this guide is the key… Just like the treated subject, it is intended to provide the deserving wine-lover with an instant pleasure.
Who said:
The oenologist is a barbarian who spits out his wine without drinking it.
The drunkard is a barbarian who spits back the wine he has been drinking.
Let's rather stay among civilized people, under Bacchus and Epicurus' auspices  !
Taking place halfway between comics serials and Encyclopædia Britannica, this guide, written by Professor Tanin (no kidding!) and illustrated by Gaël, is an outburst of laughter in the student prankster tradition, with all these comic strips, gags, trials cartoons and reportages… Incidentally, quite a few of Gaël's drawings have been used to illustrate the present site!
To be consumed without moderation (mind you: the guide and not its object… of course!)
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