The official website of the association CAVE…

News of March, 14th

Chécy & the Loire Valley

Vine and wine

Good evening & welcome
In this 26th day of nivôse and day of tin in the year 228 on the French Republican calendar, we welcome you on this website dedicated to news of the vine and viticulture in Chécy in the Loiret region, but also on the cacienne cultural and social life.
Otherwise, samedi 25 janvier, it's la fête de la saint Vincent dans le centre bourg, for more information, click on thumbnails below.
We are in January, the month of dormancy. The vine is in a state of vegetative rest. Indeed, the plant is able to develop normally only after a long winter sleep allowing it to the wake up in top form on the following month.
It is the month when vine shoots are pruned by hand, pruning that allows to control future yields, and plant development as well as a rational exploitation of the vineyard.
January is also the month when St Vincent, patron saint of the winegrowers is celebrated and, finally, the time of the general meeting of our Association when we'll be able to discover - and enjoy - , prior to everyone, character and qualities of our wine from last year vintage.
Jusqu'au ven. 28 février - Espace G. Sand
Michel Piedallu
Ça s'est passé à Chécy un quatorze mars
 … à Chécy & banlieue
Ça s'est passé en mars 
Traitement d’hiver à la St Rémi
évite toute pandémie
Dicton du jour
 Jeanne d'Arc
 Val de Loire
 Vigne & vins
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Plantation 2015 au Cochereau 
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