
Chécy, Friends of the vine (Translation in progress)

The official website of the association CAVE guaranteed without coloring or preservatives…

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News of Tuesday October, 22nd

Wine fair

Chécy, Orleans and the Loire Valley

Vineyard, wine, grapes and many other things

Good evening & welcome
In this 26th day of nivôse and day of tin in the year 228 on the French Republican calendar, we welcome you on this website dedicated to news of the vine and viticulture in Chécy in the Loiret region, but also on the cacienne cultural and social life.
Otherwise, samedi 25 janvier, it's la fête de la saint Vincent dans le centre bourg, for more information, click on thumbnails below.
We are in January, the month of dormancy. The vine is in a state of vegetative rest. Indeed, the plant is able to develop normally only after a long winter sleep allowing it to the wake up in top form on the following month.
It is the month when vine shoots are pruned by hand, pruning that allows to control future yields, and plant development as well as a rational exploitation of the vineyard.
January is also the month when St Vincent, patron saint of the winegrowers is celebrated and, finally, the time of the general meeting of our Association when we'll be able to discover - and enjoy - , prior to everyone, character and qualities of our wine from last year vintage.
Jusqu'au ven. 28 février - Espace G. Sand
Michel Piedallu
32 future events 
Our vineyards in January, a snow day…
It happened in October 
It happened in Chécy a twenty-second of October
Traitement d’hiver à la St Rémi
évite toute pandémie
 Today's fortune
Chat alors

Chécy town

Chécy is a commune of the Loire Valley, near Orleans. It is part of the perimeter registered under Unesco world heritage. Situated in a bend of Loire river and located at a former crossing of Roman roads, the town is endowed with remarkable landscapes and ecological environments, as well as a typical heritage character to be found around the canal and the old town The first vines were planted there by the Romans next to the Loire and this activity lasted until the 20th century when, due to the phylloxera epidemic…


St. Peter's Church, of Gothic style, was built between the 12th  and 16th century and officially recorded as historical monument in 1908.
The bell tower - one of the most massive in the region - is the oldest element of the building and would be the only remnant of an earlier Roman building, now disappeared. The nave composed of four bays with aisles and a transept with two chapels contains some works classified as remarkable objects while important…


Housed in a former wine farm, in townheart, the cooperage museum presents the different stages of barrelmaking, as well as tools relating to cooperage and wine growing, winemaking and wine storage.
From May to October, during every season, temporary exhibitions and animations are hosted by the museum,such as St. Vincent festivities, Heritage Days, Museum Night,Joan of Arc celebrations, appointed Heritage visits and workshops…

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc, during her historic journey, was constantly reminding the divine origin of her mission: To raise the siege of Orleans and lead Charles VII to Rheims for coronation. Her attested passage at Chécy in 1429 comes within the framework of such mission on her way at the head of an army and a supply convoy in order to break the siege of Orleans.
The City Council in 1856 established that on every last Sunday of April commemorative festivities…


The canal of Orleans is a former navigable waterway flowing entirely within the department of Loiret. With a length of just under 80 km, this canal connects the Loire to Loing and Briare canals, and by so, is able to provide continuous waterway between Orleans and Paris to the North and to Briare and center- France canals to the South. A first section was excavated by Robert Mahieu between Vieilles-Maisons-sur-Joudry and Buges from 1676 to 1687 and opened to wood and coal transportation.
Drilling canal operations up to river Loire were undertaken from 1681 to 1687 with inauguration taking place in 1692. From 1692 to 1793 the channel activity was booming with, every year, some 1500 to 2000 boats sailing upstream from Nantes to reach Paris City. In 1793 the channel became National property. From 1807 to 1860, the two lines of water were…


As a town founded in ancient times, Orleans was a Gallic stronghold and one of the main cities of the Carnutes tribe, whose annual gathering of the Druids remains famous.
As docks of Loire-boatmen corporation, it was destroyed by Caesar in 52 BC. and then rebuilt the Roman way. The town has always been a strategic point of passage on the Loire as it is located the furthest to the North, thus closer to Paris; at the border of the plains of Beauce and Sologne forests…

Loire valley

Initiated 2000 years ago at Nantes by the Romans, the vineyards of Loire could pread in the 4th century under the impulse of St.Martin and his followers. Today, it represents a large production area involving four winegrowing regions (Pays Nantais, Anjou, Touraine & Centre)
Producer of dry or semi-dry, sweet or even syrupy Whites, Reds & Rosés, sparkling wines, the Loire vineyard covers 70,000 ha with an output of 4 million hl per year…

of Orleans

The Orleans wine is produced in the three colours over 13 cities of Orleans urban area.
In the 6th century, the monks of Micy abbey were already producing wine. In late middle ages, the vineyard was part of the royal domain and knew an important extension ranging from Châteauneuf/Loire up to Beaugency, by way of a quasi-monoculture developed in order to supply Paris with wine, in large quantities indeed, but let’s admit, of a rather low quality…

Wine of Chécy

Late 18th century, the cacien vineyard had become quite important covering some 60% of the territory.
Orléans region became renowned for its Gris-Meunier (Grey Miller)… and more so by the wine produced towards east of Orléans!
But development of the railway in the 1840s allowing wines from South of France to reach Paris more easily, followed by the arrival of fungal diseases in the second half of the 19th century, added to the Loire devastating floods of 1846, 1856 and 1866 and of course the great phylloxera crisis that raged from 1876 to 1891 added up to cause decline of the vineyard until its virtual disappearance…
 Space for rent

Space for rent

Let's admit, for the moment we're a bit short on subjects to explore.
If you've got any idea for a story, let me know it is with joy that I ‘ll jump at it.
Thanks in advance…
Space for rent 

When I said
I was out
of ideas… here is a last one…

Slideshow - right Slideshow - left
Planting vines in April 2015 
Story of the vine
The vine is one of the oldest plants on earth. Indeed, traces of its existence, dated even before the appearance of man have been found in many parts of the world.
Fossilized wild vines were so discovered in Iceland, Greenland or Japan, but also in France (Montpellier and Champagne region).
The vine as we know it would probably be originated from Asia Minor…
Vine & wine 
When the cabbie drinks CARBERNET, he pays with money cab-earned?
The plugs
Cork plugs are used to close wine, cider, beer or (yes !) oil bottles… The greek amphoae of Antiquity were already sealed with plaster…
The plugs 
The labels
The first labels appeared in the 18th century with the development of industrial made bottles.
Initially, they were drawn on ordinary papers, sometimes handwritten, similar to business cards. With invention of lithography in 1796, they became more and more complex with adjonction of graphics and colours, all of this, at a reasonable prices…
The labels 
Difficult to imagine today that an aphid less than half a mm long would destroy millions of hectares of vineyards, upsetting the traditional vineyard cultivation and, mobilizing hundreds of scholars, while inflicting economic damage to whole wine regions all over of the world, forcing thousands of vine growers into bankruptcy and abandonment…

Let's drink well & drink cacien in… moderation!

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